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Sunday 26 March 2017

Skip to Jogja

Bolos ke Jogja

Part I

In 13th - 16th October
I have been in Jogjakarta
The city of art and education, that's what my lecturer said.

I went with my mom and brother. But first, we have to gathered with the other groups because it's not only my family tour or holiday or kind of that...
It's my father's office tour, my dad didn't want to come with so I replaced him to accompany my mom because my brother didn't want to accompany her.

In 01.00 AM we went to the office. And all groups gathered, I don't know how long we wait for the other groups. After all the groups gathered, we went to the airport in Balikpapan.

Arrived at the airport.
It was really cold at that time, because it was raining. We still have to waiting to put the cases into the baggage (is it?).

Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan International Airport

Our boarding time is at 07:20 am, too bad my seat was too far away with my mom (lol).

Around 07:20, we came into the plane and take off. Arrived in Jogja, but still on the sky. We're delayed to landing, because there's some traffic at the airport and it was really really long. That was my first time to feel bored at the plane (lol)

Adisutjipto International Airport

Hello Jogja! Nice to meet you!
In my mind, I was really freaked out. Because it's my first time to be here, and also I rarely to go out of town especially out of Borneo. Feels like the trendy people, I also updating my path (unimportant). After that, we're heading to out hotel by bus/transJogja. It also my first time using this bus, it's different than what I always use in my city (katro).

Our stopped should be in Malioboro 1 bus stop because the hotel near there, but we stopped in Malioboro 2 bus stop. 

Mal Malioboro near Malioboro 1 bus stop
So we have to walked to Malioboro 1 because Malioboro only for one way for the vehicles. Arrived in hotel, feel so tired and we have to wait till the check out from the hotel. We waited while eating, my mom's room was opened first, so my mom told me to put our luggage there for a while.

I checked my path (thanks to my mom tethering, so I could do internet *lol) and my friend who study in Jogja commented in it.

So, I cancelled it because the office has a schedule

We went to Borobudur temple. It's so far from my hotel that makes me slept in the car. Arrived in Borobudur, right after we went out from the car the direct sellers peddle their wares, they offered it to me for a while, then to my mother and others. It only took 5 second, and then the sellers kinda stay away from me, I don't know why.
Maybe because I'm showing my mad face or they knew only the elders would be attracted to their things.

Borobudur Temple

Borobudur Temple

After that we went to Merapi, we rode on offroad car (I don't know the name of it). We went to Merapi museum (I forgot the name of that place).
Merapi from distance

And then alien stone, the stone was really look alike someone face (if you shoot from the perfect angle).

The last place is Bunker Kaliadem.

Actually we want to explore more but we don't have much time, it's already evening. The schedule to Prambanan temple was cancelled too.

After that we came back to the hotel and then I took a bath because full of sweats. After took a bath I joined my brother to ate outside the hotel and also bought it for my mom, she was really tired so she decided to stay at the hotel. Before I came back to hotel I decided to bought an ice cream wether it's raining *not important

In my mom's room, I updated my instagram (thanks to my mom tethering again)

And my friend who commented in my path before, commenting.


After that I decided to sleep.
This post is intended for my Computer Skill assignment


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